No Matches
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 align.hAlign memory
 arena.hArena allocator
 container_of.hContainer_of definition
 fhashtable.hFixed-size open-adressing hashtable (robin hood hashing)
 fnvhash.hFNV-1a hashing function
 fpqueue.hFixed-size priority queue based on binary (max-)heap
 fqueue.hFixed-size queue based on ring buffer
 freelist.hBest-fit free list allocator
 fstack.hFixed-size array-based stack
 is_pow2.hCheck if a number is a power of two
 list.hIntrusive circular doubly linked list
 murmurhash.hMurmur3 hash hashing function
 paste.hC preprocessor macros for pasting tokens together
 pool.hPool allocator
 rbtree.hIntrusive red-black tree
 round_up_pow2.hRound up to the next power of two