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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CarenaArena data struct
 CfhashtableGenerated hashtable struct type for a given KEY_TYPE and VALUE_TYPE
 Cfhashtable_slotGenerated hashtable slot struct type for a given KEY_TYPE and VALUE_TYPE
 CfpqueueGenerated priority queue struct type for a given VALUE_TYPE
 Cfpqueue_elementGenerated priority queue element struct type for a given VALUE_TYPE
 CfqueueGenerated queue struct type for a VALUE_TYPE
 CfreelistFreelist struct definition
 Cfreelist_headerFreelist header definition. This lies at the front of every block
 CfstackGenerated stack struct type for a given VALUE_TYPE
 Clist_nodeIntrusive list node structure
 CpoolPool struct
 Cpool_free_nodePool node struct
 Crbtree_nodeGenerated red-black tree node struct type for a given KEY_TYPE
 Ctemp_arena_stateTempory arena state struct